Founding Principles and Philosophy

  • To empower the student-athlete with knowledge and principles learned through the sport of wrestling.
  • To teach these principles in the correct environment and structure as to maximize the output of the student athlete.
  • To mentor through wrestling the student-athlete of not only "mat skills", but also life skills that will benefit them in any arena of life.
  • To teach and guide every student-athlete to successfully achieve their full potential.
  • To forward the Mission of USA Wrestling and to follow its core values of: Responsibility, Integrity, Dedication, Honesty, Accountability and Respect.

Code of Conduct - Coaches

  • Conduct yourselves with the utmost integrity at all times, on and off the mat.
  • Treat every student-athlete as a potential state/national champ.
  • At no time is a student-athlete to be left to attend to him/herself.
  • Conduct yourself appropriately around the student-athlete.
  • Be willing and eager to answer and address any questions that may arise from student athletes during training.
  • Be willing and eager to answer and address any questions from parents before and after class or direct them to the program director.
  • At no time, under any circumstances, shall the use of foul or explicit language be acceptable.
  • Be ever present that student-athlete safety is first and foremost.
  • Remember you are an ambassador for the sport of wrestling, the club, its coaching staff and the student-athletes as well as yourself.


Founder and Director:
Shawn Noppert - USAW Bronze Certified Coach

Copyright © 2012 Dominion Wrestling. All Rights Reserved.

Code of Conduct - Wrestlers and Students

  • Conduct yourselves with the utmost integrity at all times, on and off the mat.
  • Respect your coaches at all times, they are here to help you achieve your goals.
  • Treat your fellow wrestlers with the same respect that you desire.
  • Respect others around you, remember you are not the "only one".
  • At no time, under any circumstances, will foul language be acceptable.
  • Take care of the equipment and wrestling room, it is here for your benefit.
  • Be a good sparring partner and remember you are not only helping your partner, but improving your skills also.  Work with your sparring partner the same as you expect him to work with you.
  • When coaches are speaking; you are to be quiet and attentive.  The coaches have the experience and knowledge that you need.
  • Good hygiene is a must; nails trimmed, hair to legal length, and clean clothes worn to practice.
  • Academics come first, you must maintain your grades in school.  Progress reports are a requirement.
  • Remember that you are representing the sport of wrestling, the club, your coaches, your teammates, your family, as well as, yourself; SO REPRESENT WELL.


Code of Conduct - Parents / Visitors

  • Refrain from conversation in the wrestling room, acoustics are not very good and it can be a distraction from the student-athletes.
  • Please do not instruct your student-athlete, that is why the coaching staff is here.  There is a natural anxiety that spikes when friends and family are in the room and it can draw the attention away from learning.
  • Please do not ask questions during a training session. There is time before and after class for questions of the coaching staff.  "In session" is the student-athletes time and is a valuable commodity.
  • There is a no tolerance policy at Dominion Wrestling: any aggression towards wrestlers, coaching staff and/or officials will result in an immediate ban from the facility and any sanctioned events.

Wrestling Ethics

  • Respect authority - officials, coaches, table workers, volunteers, teammates and anyone associated with an event or practice.
  • Respect your opponent before and after a match; respect his/her ability during a match.  Disrespecting an opponent's ability is the easiest way to lose a match.  Always show the respect after a hard fought battle win or lose.
  • Respect yourself and your ability; you are the one who put the work on the mat.  If you cannot respect yourself, then you will never respect anyone else.
  • Respect the sport of wrestling; it is the oldest sport dating back to early Biblical days, and is one of the most mentally tough sports known to man.  If you can wrestle, you can accomplish anything.
  • Anyone can be a National Champion, which is why we are here.  Remember:  "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE".  All you have to do is believe it.
  • Remember to HAVE FUN!

Community Outreach

  • Dominion Wrestling is Involved with many outreaches through Living Water Tabernacle located in Montville, New Jersey.
  • Dominon Wrestling supports our Local and State Police Departments.  All law enforcement departments can reserve the facility for training purposes at discounted rates.